Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fragile Friendships

Like glass, friendships are
So fragile, even whispers
Disintegrate them.

©2008 Leah Brink - All Rights Reserved


Here's a poem that I penned down awhile back, that I really love..


Cascading notes like ebbing waters;
An enveloping warm wave of serenity
Fills you wholly with sweet delight,
And brings you to paradise; your Eden.
The sweet sounds of sirens fill your ears
While your soul mingles with the rhythm.
Dancing with the flowing notes and beats
Your heart begins to beat with the music.
The heavenly tunes flood your mind,
Lifting you up to a peaceful state of mind
Until the wave passes and the water freezes.
And all that's left is the distant memory.

©2008 Leah Brink - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Born To Fly

This is the Haiku that inspired the banner that my amazing sister designed! (Thanks, Rache! You rawk my world of socks!)

A butterfly's wings
Soft and fragile, like my heart,
Also born to fly.

©2008 Leah Brink - All Rights Reserved

Create Your Own Life

Here is a series of Haiku that I penned today.

Create your own life
You, the director, actor,
Audience. Applaud!

Create your own life
You star in your own drama
You direct your script.

Create your own life
Sculpt your sculpture, sing your song,
Invite us along.

Create your own life
A painting, a book, a song
All of them are you.

Create your own life
Dance your dance, paint your painting,
You - artist, and art.

©2008 Leah Brink - All Rights Reserved

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hello, World!

Hey, y'all!

My name is Leah, I'm 18 years old and here's a random list of the things that make me who I am.

I am love God, first and foremost.. I completely adore my family and friends! I love taking photographs of random things that catch my eye. I love to hang out with my friends.. I love coffee!! I love to cook, and bake.. I love to sing.. I love escaping into my imagination for awhile.. I love texting, and I love to dance in the rain! Anyways, enough about me..

This blog is a good place for me to park my poetry, writings, and thoughts. I started writing several years ago as a way to express my feelings and thoughts, and have grown to love any and all forms of poetry, especially haiku, which is always a fun challenge!

I love comments and feeback, so be a pal and let me know what you think! Also, check out my links and things (be sure to stop by my sister Rachel's blog and tell her what an awesome blog she designed for me!)